We want your vehicle! Get the best value for your trade-in!

Route 3 Motorsports
2571 West Chester Pike
Broomall, PA 19008

(484) 549-9424

About Route 3 Motorsports

Route 3 Motorsports

We Are More Than Just A Dealership! We offer car buyers competitively priced vehicles and service with a smile. We are proud to offer these values in our sales and business practices so our customers keep coming back. The vehicles on our lot have the best prices and quality in the area so come and see us today, or call today to schedule a test drive! FLEXIBLE FINANCING! CONFIDENCE IN YOUR PURCHASE ONE VISIT TO OUR LOT TO VIEW AND TEST DRIVE ANY ONE OF OUR FINE VEHICLES WILL EASE THE ANXIETY ABOUT PURCHASING ONE OF OUR PRE-OWNED BEAUTIES. OUR COMMITMENT TO CUSTOMER SERVICE ALWAYS PUTS INTEGRITY AHEAD OF PROFIT WHICH GENUINELY PLACES US APART FOR ALL THE REST. OUR WARRANTY COVERAGE THE CONDITION AND MECHANICAL INTEGRITY OF OUR VEHICLES ALLOWS US TO INCLUDE WITH EACH SALE AN OUTSTANDING WARRANTY THAT OTHER CAR DEALERS CANNOT OFFER.. 30 Thirty Days or 1000 miles Whichever comes first. Drive train: includes Motor, Rear Differential, Transmission, Trans axle (if applicable), Driveshaft (u-Joint)

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